Dear All: I want to thank both Christina Dietzen and Theresa Combs for organizing our annual St. Valentine's Day Dinner/Dance at Wolf Creek Golf Course this past Saturday. We had 88 people come, compared to last year of 50. We are already planning for next year. Save the date! Probably February 10th (as Valentine's Day falls on Wednesday).
Also, I want to thank all of those who helped and came to our Super Bowl party at St. Mary's Parish Hall. We had 37 come and some great party dishes were shared. Plenty of food, plus I won $50 playing squares. Thank you to George Shadden for organizing this again. Our 50/50 raffle winner was Roseann Viktora. She won $350 and promptly gave it back to St. Mary's to help us pay bills. Thank you so much Roseann!
The State Department has announced that all American citizens should leave Russia ASAP. This is a final stage before war..... Please, please, please pray for peace and do what you can ASAP to protect your family, Domus Mea, My Family. Have extra food, and bottled water stored for yourselves and loved ones. Have extra cash on hand, top off your fuel, and be sure of your medicines too. I have some potassium iodine tablets for emergency usage in case of radiation exposure from fallout. These help protect one's thyroid. It is called KI tablets. Go to the to learn facts about potassium iodide.
Pollution from the railroad accident in Southern Ohio is really, really, really bad. This has not been covered by the MSM. These chemicals are polluting the streams that flow into the Ohio which flows into the Mississippi, that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. It is killing everything! It reminds me of the Book of Revelation where the Angel is sent out to pollute the land wherein a 1/3 of the population dies. Hmmm....?!
Ash Wednesday is February 22nd and is a day of Fasting and Abstinence. Fridays are also to be meat-less. Please join us Fridays for Rosary at 5pm, Mass at 5:30pm, and Stations of the Cross at 6pm. Pray, Pray, Pray! And repent from Sin. Jesus might be coming sooner than you suppose.
To quote Joe Biden, "I'm not joking" but the FBI has been and is infiltrating Roman Catholic Masses that use Latin to investigate domestic terrorists activity. The FBI used a very liberal group's list of "radical" groups (Southern Poverty Law Center). The FBI says that was a mistake and if you don't have enough to worry about the CDC has just added the Covid-19 "Shot" to the Children Vaccine List. Do NOT give this to anyone! Protect your family---Domus Mea!
Thank you Darin Troglia for creating our new website. He wanted to create a user friendly site and we hope you like the new way to keep in touch with us.